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Integrated Stop Loss

A turn-key level-funded solution offering stabilized cash flow and predictable monthly expenses

Integrated Stop Loss offers the advantages of self-funding while stabilizing cash flow with predictable monthly payments that cap an employer's risk exposure.

iiSi's Integrated Stop Loss is an aggregate-only stop loss insurance product that is designed to ease an employer's transition from a fully insured medical benefit plan into self funding its own employer-sponsored benefit plan. Integrated Stop Loss is a level-funded solution that limits an employer’s exposure each month with a bundled level payment that includes: 

Stop Loss Insurance Premiums

iiSi's Integrated Stop Loss product includes aggregate stop loss insurance protection that provides a reimbursement to the plan if total eligible claim expenses for the year as defined in the contract exceed the accumulated integrated aggregate attachment point, which can be thought of as the deductible that must be met before aggregate stop loss insurance benefits take effect and is simply the accumulated total of claim funding dollars paid throughout the contract year as part of the level payment. Additionally, aggregate accommodations are built-in to provide immediate relief to the plan throughout the contract year if at any point accumulated claim expenses exceed the accumulated total of claim funding dollars. iiSi provides as many accommodations as necessary, so employers have the flexibility to submit accommodation requests as needed throughout the month. 

Claim Funding

The monthly level payment includes funding for claims that are expected to be incurred by the plan that month. Every dollar of claim funds is the plan's money and is held in a fiduciary capacity by the plan's third party administrator. 100% of any claim funds remaining at the end of the contract period belongs to the plan and can be cashed out, or rolled over into the next contract year upon renewal.

Administration Costs

This component of the level monthly payment is bundled in by the plan's Third Party Administrator and covers the cost of the TPA's services including:

  • Monthly billing
  • Claims processing
  • Claims reporting
  • Customer service for covered members

What makes iiSi's Integrated Stop Loss Different?

Every claim funding dollar belongs to the plan

Unlike many other level-funded programs, iiSi will never retain any portion of a plan's surplus claim funding at the end of a contract period.

More than just medical

Does your client's benefit plan include multiple lines of coverage? No problem. iiSi tailors the integrated Stop Loss product to the plan design, offering aggregate protection for a wide range of coverage options.

Unlimited stop loss protection

iiSi's Integrated Stop Loss solution offers unlimited aggregate stop loss insurance protection and no claim limits on a per-participant basis. 

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