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Fantasy Football

2024 Rankings

Current Leaders


Trophy Wives


Happy Cows

Weekly Ranking

Overall RankTeamCumulative Total
1 Happy Cows 1665
2 Louisville G.O.A.T. 1600
3 Brett's Bewildered Bets 1590
4 The City 514 1573
5 Babe's Faves 1568
6 The Young and the Russ-less 1566
7 There's No Crying in Football 1545
8 Big Johnson's Big Team 1538
9 Just Joshin' 1537
10 Ascend PBM 1529
10 Maas 1529
10 Team PJ 1529
13 Stoploss Never Sleeps 1522
14 Reject 1519
15 MAGA2024 1516
16 DBRKM_6 1499
17 Back to Back? 1497
17 Randy Marsh 1497
19 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 1476
20 Turks40 1470
21 Men in Tights 1468
22 Chris's Awesome Team 1463
23 A Team 1461
24 Love Island 1456
25 Cook's Cowboys 1449
26 The Tortured Players Department 1447
27 Dawgs9 1432
28 Mrs. Doubtfire 1429
29 LaPorta Potty 1426
30 Curious George Pickens 1422
30 Lost Wages Raiders 1422
32 Pat Tricks My Homies 1417
33 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 1398
33 The Best of What's Around 1398
35 19th Hole 1387
36 Notestine 1373
37 CC22 Loves GB10 1372
38 D2 Blitzers 1369
39 Bryce is Right! 1366
40 Let Them Eat Steak 1359
41 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 1355
42 JoeFlaccoFan23 1354
42 The Football Team 1354
44 Cool Cats 1349
45 Trophy Wives 1348
46 Run CMC 1347
47 Swimmers 1346
48 MeisMagic77!! 1344
49 Montana Grizzlies 1331
50 South Central Yard Dawgs 1329
51 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 1324
52 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 1319
53 London Calling 1316
54 Sherrifs 1313
55 neverKC 1312
56 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 1310
57 fryed 1309
57 Tua Turndaballova 1309
59 CeeDee3PO 1307
60 The Carnivores 1304
61 Perry's Picks 1300
62 CB #1 1296
63 BB Wayz 1293
63 High Deductibles 1293
65 No Punt Intended 1291
66 Packfan 1287
67 Ear bandages 1286
68 Nothing Special 1284
69 Lord Have Mersa 1275
69 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 1275
71 I H8 Fantasy Football 1274
73 The Lamarsenal 1266
74 The Rooks 1264
75 Veracity Varmits 1258
76 I'd Rather Be Golfing 1254
76 The Edison Lightbulbs 1254
78 Greendale Human Beings 1246
78 Is this the Krusty Krab? 1246
80 Just the Stats Man 1240
80 Sunday Snackers 1240
82 Gold Rush 1235
83 HunkerinDawgs 1234
84 Scatback Ballers 1231
85 GDAWG's Pics 1229
86 Mile High Mavericks 1224
86 Team Taylor Not Swift 1224
86 Weiners 1224
89 FG Bombers 1223
90 Catlovers Unite 1216
91 Blue Horse Shoes 1214
92 Rachel's Rad Team 1212
93 Reigning Cats and Dogs 1211
93 Silence of the Lamb 1211
93 The A Team 1211
96 There can be only one 1210
97 Bear USCeee 1197
98 The TPA Titans 1196
99 Erin Maurer 1195
100 Oakland Beach Raiders 1194
101 Atta Boy! 1190
102 Cooper Troopers 1182
103 Drop & Give Me Purdy 1178
104 Witten it be nice! 1177
105 CIAngus 1173
106 Actuarial Soundness 1171
106 Hoosier 1171
108 Sheakies 1169
109 Caudill Team 1165
110 Hunny Pot 1161
111 Amon Drugs 1159
112 Bring Out Your Dead 1158
113 I could have written in Will Levis but... 1157
114 Team 5280 CBD 1153
115 The Three Stooges 1142
116 Love is All I Need 1140
116 Penelope's Pack 1140
119 Game of Endzones 1138
119 Tiffin 1138
121 Eagle One 1137
121 Lights, Kamara, Action 1137
123 The C-Team 1133
124 How I Metcalf Your Mother 1132
125 Titans Bombers 1130
126 Retirement Plan 1127
127 Acrisure BH 1125
128 901 Collier 1122
129 Boomerang Betty 1117
130 4th and Long 1115
131 Saylor 1 1112
132 I'm Tired of Losing 1100
133 Run Left 1097
134 BK Monitor 1092
134 Young Gunners 1092
136 Holy Minshew! 1074
137 FireCrackers 1069
137 Go Pack GO!! 1069
139 San Fransokyo 1059
140 Drop the Micah Parsons 1053
141 Team Confused 1042
142 Chiefs Kingdom 1032
143 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 1000
143 Stealthy Blitz Queen 1000
145 You Got Mossed! 973
146 Fishy Picks 964
147 Password is Taco 951
148 Gucci Cleats 949
149 Carolina In My Mind 934
150 Jim Brown's Ghost 872
151 DawgPound 870
Week 1 RankTeamWeek 1 Points
1 Tua Turndaballova 136
2 DBRKM_6 132
3 Hoosier 129
4 Cooper Troopers 128
5 The C-Team 120
6 Back to Back? 118
6 The Three Stooges 118
8 The Young and the Russ-less 117
9 Bear USCeee 116
9 Nothing Special 116
11 Men in Tights 115
12 Pat Tricks My Homies 114
13 Dawgs9 113
14 Silence of the Lamb 109
15 CB #1 107
15 Holy Minshew! 107
17 Cool Cats 106
17 The City 514 106
19 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 105
19 Team 5280 CBD 105
19 Tiffin 105
22 Brett's Bewildered Bets 103
22 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 103
22 MeisMagic77!! 103
25 Babe's Faves 102
25 Chris's Awesome Team 102
25 There's No Crying in Football 102
28 Game of Endzones 101
28 Happy Cows 101
28 HunkerinDawgs 101
28 Retirement Plan 101
32 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 100
32 Just the Stats Man 100
32 The Tortured Players Department 100
36 Love is All I Need 99
36 You Got Mossed! 99
38 Blue Horse Shoes 98
38 Oakland Beach Raiders 98
40 Hunny Pot 97
41 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 96
41 LaPorta Potty 96
41 There can be only one 96
44 CC22 Loves GB10 94
45 FG Bombers 93
45 Fishy Picks 93
48 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 92
48 Run Left 92
50 BK Monitor 91
50 I H8 Fantasy Football 91
50 Mile High Mavericks 91
53 Notestine 90
53 Randy Marsh 90
53 Stoploss Never Sleeps 90
56 No Punt Intended 89
56 South Central Yard Dawgs 89
58 4th and Long 88
58 Catlovers Unite 88
58 Eagle One 88
58 How I Metcalf Your Mother 88
58 Montana Grizzlies 88
58 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 88
58 The Best of What's Around 88
65 BB Wayz 87
65 Curious George Pickens 87
65 Lights, Kamara, Action 87
65 Sherrifs 87
69 High Deductibles 85
70 Big Johnson's Big Team 84
70 Drop the Micah Parsons 84
70 Love Island 84
73 D2 Blitzers 83
73 Gold Rush 83
73 The Carnivores 83
76 Packfan 82
76 Penelope's Pack 82
78 Just Joshin' 81
78 Team PJ 81
78 Team Taylor Not Swift 81
81 FireCrackers 80
81 Lost Wages Raiders 80
83 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 79
83 Cook's Cowboys 79
83 Run CMC 79
86 Atta Boy! 78
86 Boomerang Betty 78
86 The Edison Lightbulbs 78
86 The Football Team 78
86 Turks40 78
91 I'm Tired of Losing 77
92 Bring Out Your Dead 76
92 Reject 76
92 London Calling 76
92 The A Team 76
96 A Team 75
96 The Rooks 75
98 DawgPound 74
99 Sheakies 73
100 CeeDee3PO 72
100 Witten it be nice! 72
102 Ear bandages 71
102 Erin Maurer 71
102 Louisville G.O.A.T. 71
105 Ascend PBM 70
105 Swimmers 70
107 Perry's Picks 69
108 Caudill Team 68
108 Drop & Give Me Purdy 68
108 I could have written in Will Levis but... 68
108 JoeFlaccoFan23 68
112 Bryce is Right! 67
112 Rachel's Rad Team 67
112 Titans Bombers 67
114 Jim Brown's Ghost 66
114 Mrs. Doubtfire 66
116 Let Them Eat Steak 65
116 Maas 65
118 fryed 64
118 I'd Rather Be Golfing 64
118 The TPA Titans 64
121 Actuarial Soundness 63
121 Greendale Human Beings 63
121 Stealthy Blitz Queen 63
121 Trophy Wives 63
125 Go Pack GO!! 62
125 Is this the Krusty Krab? 62
127 Gucci Cleats 61
127 Reigning Cats and Dogs 61
127 Team Confused 61
130 19th Hole 58
130 Lord Have Mersa 58
130 Veracity Varmits 58
133 Carolina In My Mind 57
133 MAGA2024 57
135 CIAngus 56
135 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 56
137 The Lamarsenal 54
138 Scatback Ballers 53
139 Amon Drugs 51
140 GDAWG's Pics 49
140 Weiners 49
142 Chiefs Kingdom 46
142 Sunday Snackers 46
144 Acrisure BH 45
144 San Fransokyo 45
146 Password is Taco 43
146 Young Gunners 43
148 Saylor 1 41
149 901 Collier 40
150 neverKC 33
Week 2 RankTeamWeek 2 Points
1 BK Monitor 121
2 The Football Team 108
3 Lights, Kamara, Action 107
4 Perry's Picks 106
5 Just Joshin' 105
6 fryed 104
7 Cook's Cowboys 101
7 GDAWG's Pics 101
7 Stoploss Never Sleeps 101
10 Drop & Give Me Purdy 100
10 London Calling 100
10 Team PJ 100
13 BB Wayz 98
13 Go Pack GO!! 98
15 Big Johnson's Big Team 97
15 Gold Rush 97
15 neverKC 97
18 901 Collier 96
18 Bring Out Your Dead 96
20 The Rooks 94
21 Fishy Picks 93
21 Stealthy Blitz Queen 93
23 There's No Crying in Football 92
24 Acrisure BH 91
24 CeeDee3PO 91
24 High Deductibles 91
24 Is this the Krusty Krab? 91
24 Maas 91
29 Retirement Plan 90
29 Swimmers 90
31 Lord Have Mersa 89
32 I'm Tired of Losing 88
32 Let Them Eat Steak 88
32 Scatback Ballers 88
35 Chris's Awesome Team 87
35 JoeFlaccoFan23 87
35 Mrs. Doubtfire 87
35 South Central Yard Dawgs 87
39 Actuarial Soundness 86
39 San Fransokyo 86
41 Cool Cats 85
41 FG Bombers 85
43 Amon Drugs 84
43 D2 Blitzers 84
43 The A Team 84
46 I could have written in Will Levis but... 83
47 Witten it be nice! 82
48 CB #1 81
49 Curious George Pickens 80
49 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 80
52 19th Hole 79
52 Catlovers Unite 79
52 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 79
55 Randy Marsh 78
56 The Lamarsenal 77
57 Drop the Micah Parsons 76
57 The Best of What's Around 76
59 DawgPound 75
59 I'd Rather Be Golfing 75
59 Louisville G.O.A.T. 75
59 Montana Grizzlies 75
59 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 75
64 Happy Cows 74
65 A Team 73
65 Chiefs Kingdom 73
65 Ear bandages 73
65 LaPorta Potty 73
65 Veracity Varmits 73
70 Notestine 72
70 Sherrifs 72
70 Titans Bombers 72
73 Team 5280 CBD 71
73 Young Gunners 71
75 Boomerang Betty 70
75 Bryce is Right! 70
75 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 70
75 MeisMagic77!! 70
75 Run CMC 70
80 Atta Boy! 69
81 CIAngus 68
81 Greendale Human Beings 68
81 Men in Tights 68
81 Password is Taco 68
81 Rachel's Rad Team 68
81 Team Taylor Not Swift 68
81 Tiffin 68
87 Caudill Team 67
87 I H8 Fantasy Football 67
87 Tua Turndaballova 67
90 Erin Maurer 65
90 The Tortured Players Department 65
90 There can be only one 65
90 Trophy Wives 65
94 Babe's Faves 64
94 Team Confused 64
94 The City 514 64
94 Turks40 64
94 Weiners 64
99 Sheakies 63
100 Jim Brown's Ghost 62
100 Just the Stats Man 62
100 MAGA2024 62
100 Oakland Beach Raiders 62
100 Run Left 62
100 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 62
107 CC22 Loves GB10 60
107 Pat Tricks My Homies 60
107 Penelope's Pack 60
110 The Edison Lightbulbs 59
110 The TPA Titans 59
110 The Young and the Russ-less 59
113 Reigning Cats and Dogs 58
113 Saylor 1 58
115 Dawgs9 57
115 Love Island 57
115 Nothing Special 57
118 Ascend PBM 56
118 DBRKM_6 56
118 FireCrackers 56
118 How I Metcalf Your Mother 56
118 Silence of the Lamb 56
123 Blue Horse Shoes 55
123 Eagle One 55
125 Love is All I Need 54
126 Brett's Bewildered Bets 53
126 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 53
126 Carolina In My Mind 53
129 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 52
129 The Carnivores 52
131 Bear USCeee 51
131 Cooper Troopers 51
131 Lost Wages Raiders 51
131 Sunday Snackers 51
135 Game of Endzones 50
136 No Punt Intended 49
136 Packfan 49
136 You Got Mossed! 49
139 4th and Long 47
139 Reject 47
139 HunkerinDawgs 47
139 Hunny Pot 47
143 Gucci Cleats 45
144 Mile High Mavericks 43
144 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 43
146 Back to Back? 41
146 The Three Stooges 41
148 Holy Minshew! 38
149 The C-Team 35
150 Hoosier 18
Week 3 RankTeamWeek 3 Points
1 The City 514 115
2 Randy Marsh 101
3 Mrs. Doubtfire 100
4 Louisville G.O.A.T. 96
4 Maas 96
6 19th Hole 95
7 Notestine 93
8 Catlovers Unite 92
8 Cool Cats 92
10 Pat Tricks My Homies 90
11 Big Johnson's Big Team 88
12 Brett's Bewildered Bets 87
12 Chris's Awesome Team 87
12 The Young and the Russ-less 87
15 Bear USCeee 85
15 DBRKM_6 85
15 Run Left 85
15 The A Team 85
19 Greendale Human Beings 84
19 Team Confused 84
21 Amon Drugs 83
21 Bring Out Your Dead 83
21 Cook's Cowboys 83
21 Erin Maurer 83
21 Happy Cows 83
21 I could have written in Will Levis but… 83
27 Team PJ 82
28 Acrisure BH 81
28 The Best of What's Around 81
28 Titans Bombers 81
31 I'd Rather Be Golfing 80
32 I H8 Fantasy Football 79
32 Just Joshin' 79
34 Ear bandages 78
34 Scatback Ballers 78
34 Team 5280 CBD 78
37 I'm Tired of Losing 76
37 Lights, Kamara, Action 76
37 San Fransokyo 76
37 The C-Team 76
37 Young Gunners 76
42 South Central Yard Dawgs 75
42 The TPA Titans 75
44 4th and Long 74
44 Dawgs9 74
44 Men in Tights 74
44 Swimmers 74
44 The Carnivores 74
44 The Edison Lightbulbs 74
44 There can be only one 74
44 Veracity Varmits 74
52 A Team 73
52 Bryce is Right! 73
52 JoeFlaccoFan23 73
52 Montana Grizzlies 73
52 Stealthy Blitz Queen 73
52 The Lamarsenal 73
58 Carolina In My Mind 72
58 CIAngus 72
58 fryed 72
58 MAGA2024 72
58 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 72
58 Team Taylor Not Swift 72
64 Ascend PBM 71
64 CeeDee3PO 71
64 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 71
67 neverKC 70
67 The Football Team 70
69 Actuarial Soundness 69
69 Weiners 69
71 Sunday Snackers 68
72 CB #1 67
72 GDAWG's Pics 67
72 I am serious…and don't call me Shirley 67
75 Reject 66
75 Sherrifs 66
75 Turks40 66
79 FG Bombers 65
79 Gold Rush 65
79 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 65
79 The Tortured Players Department 65
79 There's No Crying in Football 65
84 Let Them Eat Steak 64
84 Stoploss Never Sleeps 64
86 LaPorta Potty 63
87 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 62
88 Oakland Beach Raiders 61
88 The Rooks 61
90 BK Monitor 60
90 Boomerang Betty 60
90 Caudill Team 60
90 Curious George Pickens 60
90 DawgPound 60
90 High Deductibles 60
90 How I Metcalf Your Mother 60
90 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 60
98 BB Wayz 59
98 CC22 Loves GB10 59
98 MeisMagic77!! 59
98 Reigning Cats and Dogs 59
102 FireCrackers 57
102 HunkerinDawgs 57
102 London Calling 57
102 Perry's Picks 57
102 Witten it be nice! 57
107 Babe's Faves 56
107 Just the Stats Man 56
107 Password is Taco 56
110 Run CMC 54
111 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 53
111 Saylor 1 53
113 Drop the Micah Parsons 52
114 Atta Boy! 51
115 Chiefs Kingdom 50
116 Back to Back? 49
116 Lord Have Mersa 49
118 Is this the Krusty Krab? 48
118 Sheakies 48
120 D2 Blitzers 47
120 Go Pack GO!! 47
120 Lost Wages Raiders 47
123 Eagle One 46
123 Fishy Picks 46
123 Packfan 46
123 Rachel's Rad Team 46
128 901 Collier 45
128 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 45
128 Jim Brown's Ghost 45
131 Drop & Give Me Purdy 44
132 The Three Stooges 43
133 Nothing Special 42
133 Retirement Plan 42
133 Trophy Wives 42
136 Game of Endzones 41
137 Cooper Troopers 40
137 Mile High Mavericks 40
137 Penelope's Pack 40
137 Silence of the Lamb 40
141 Love Island 35
142 Love is All I Need 33
143 Gucci Cleats 32
144 Hunny Pot 31
145 Hoosier 29
145 Tua Turndaballova 29
147 You Got Mossed! 25
148 Blue Horse Shoes 22
148 Tiffin 22
150 Holy Minshew! 17
151 No Punt Intended 14
Week 4 RankTeamWeek 4 Points
1 MAGA2024 125
2 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 117
3 The Carnivores 109
4 Atta Boy! 108
5 Eagle One 107
6 Big Johnson's Big Team 105
6 Just Joshin' 105
6 Team Taylor Not Swift 105
6 The Three Stooges 105
10 Back to Back? 104
10 Stoploss Never Sleeps 104
12 fryed 103
13 A Team 102
13 Lost Wages Raiders 102
13 The TPA Titans 102
16 Men in Tights 100
16 The C-Team 100
18 Louisville G.O.A.T. 99
19 D2 Blitzers 98
20 Rachel's Rad Team 97
20 Run Left 97
22 Reject 96
23 The Best of What's Around 95
24 Hoosier 93
24 Love Island 93
24 Mrs. Doubtfire 93
24 Packfan 93
24 Witten it be nice! 93
29 19th Hole 91
29 Amon Drugs 91
29 MeisMagic77!! 91
29 There's No Crying in Football 91
33 Cook's Cowboys 89
33 Montana Grizzlies 89
33 Weiners 89
36 FireCrackers 88
36 Hunny Pot 88
38 Acrisure BH 87
38 Greendale Human Beings 87
38 South Central Yard Dawgs 87
38 Swimmers 87
42 Ascend PBM 86
42 HunkerinDawgs 86
44 Cool Cats 85
44 The Young and the Russ-less 85
46 CC22 Loves GB10 84
46 Holy Minshew! 84
48 BK Monitor 83
48 neverKC 83
50 CIAngus 82
51 Catlovers Unite 81
51 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 81
53 Gold Rush 80
54 Reigning Cats and Dogs 78
55 Babe's Faves 77
55 Brett's Bewildered Bets 77
55 Happy Cows 77
58 Gucci Cleats 76
58 I'd Rather Be Golfing 76
60 Team 5280 CBD 75
61 4th and Long 74
61 I could have written in Will Levis but... 74
61 Turks40 74
64 Curious George Pickens 73
64 Saylor 1 73
64 Stealthy Blitz Queen 73
64 Sunday Snackers 73
68 LaPorta Potty 72
69 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 71
69 Drop the Micah Parsons 71
69 Is this the Krusty Krab? 71
69 London Calling 71
69 Randy Marsh 71
69 Young Gunners 71
75 GDAWG's Pics 70
75 Love is All I Need 70
75 The A Team 70
75 Tua Turndaballova 70
79 Blue Horse Shoes 69
79 CB #1 69
79 Chris's Awesome Team 69
79 The City 514 69
83 901 Collier 68
84 No Punt Intended 67
84 Notestine 67
86 Cooper Troopers 66
86 DawgPound 66
86 Ear bandages 66
86 Lights, Kamara, Action 66
86 The Rooks 66
86 Trophy Wives 66
93 Actuarial Soundness 65
93 High Deductibles 65
93 Nothing Special 65
93 The Edison Lightbulbs 65
97 I H8 Fantasy Football 64
97 There can be only one 64
99 Chiefs Kingdom 62
99 JoeFlaccoFan23 62
101 CeeDee3PO 61
101 Titans Bombers 61
103 Retirement Plan 60
103 San Fransokyo 60
105 Dawgs9 59
105 How I Metcalf Your Mother 59
105 Just the Stats Man 59
105 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 59
105 Sheakies 59
105 Sherrifs 59
105 Team Confused 59
105 You Got Mossed! 59
113 Boomerang Betty 58
113 Drop & Give Me Purdy 58
113 The Lamarsenal 58
116 Fishy Picks 57
116 Lord Have Mersa 57
116 Penelope's Pack 57
116 Run CMC 57
116 Tiffin 57
121 Perry's Picks 56
121 The Tortured Players Department 56
123 Bryce is Right! 55
123 DBRKM_6 55
123 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 55
123 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 55
127 Caudill Team 54
127 Go Pack GO!! 54
129 Scatback Ballers 53
131 Bear USCeee 52
131 Bring Out Your Dead 52
131 Oakland Beach Raiders 52
131 Silence of the Lamb 52
135 Erin Maurer 51
135 Jim Brown's Ghost 51
135 The Football Team 51
138 I'm Tired of Losing 50
139 Game of Endzones 49
140 Pat Tricks My Homies 48
140 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 48
142 BB Wayz 44
143 Mile High Mavericks 42
144 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 40
144 FG Bombers 40
144 Team PJ 40
144 Veracity Varmits 40
148 Let Them Eat Steak 38
149 Carolina In My Mind 37
149 Maas 37
151 Password is Taco 31
Week 5 RankTeamWeek 5 Points
1 Ascend PBM 120
2 I'd Rather Be Golfing 109
3 DBRKM_6 108
4 Reject 105
5 Packfan 101
6 Swimmers 100
6 Turks40 100
8 LaPorta Potty 98
9 Back to Back? 97
10 San Fransokyo 95
11 Run CMC 94
12 Catlovers Unite 92
12 Cool Cats 92
12 MAGA2024 92
12 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 92
12 The Rooks 92
17 Maas 91
18 I'm Tired of Losing 89
19 Carolina In My Mind 88
19 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 88
19 London Calling 88
22 Mile High Mavericks 86
22 The Lamarsenal 86
24 CIAngus 85
24 Run Left 85
26 Fishy Picks 83
26 Oakland Beach Raiders 83
28 Acrisure BH 82
28 Perry's Picks 82
28 Scatback Ballers 82
31 Bryce is Right! 81
31 Stealthy Blitz Queen 81
33 Eagle One 80
33 Erin Maurer 80
33 Love is All I Need 80
33 South Central Yard Dawgs 80
33 The TPA Titans 80
33 Veracity Varmits 80
39 Gold Rush 79
39 neverKC 79
41 Atta Boy! 78
41 Lights, Kamara, Action 78
43 Game of Endzones 77
44 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 76
44 Drop & Give Me Purdy 76
46 CB #1 75
47 Hunny Pot 74
48 Just the Stats Man 73
48 Love Island 73
50 Stoploss Never Sleeps 72
50 Team PJ 72
50 The Three Stooges 72
53 Bring Out Your Dead 71
54 Drop the Micah Parsons 70
54 Let Them Eat Steak 70
54 Trophy Wives 70
57 19th Hole 69
57 The Carnivores 69
57 Weiners 69
60 Bear USCeee 68
60 Lord Have Mersa 68
62 Team Taylor Not Swift 67
63 CC22 Loves GB10 66
63 Team 5280 CBD 66
63 There can be only one 66
66 Lost Wages Raiders 65
66 Penelope's Pack 65
66 Saylor 1 65
69 Caudill Team 64
69 Dawgs9 64
69 The Edison Lightbulbs 64
72 4th and Long 63
72 Brett's Bewildered Bets 63
72 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 63
72 JoeFlaccoFan23 63
76 GDAWG's Pics 62
76 HunkerinDawgs 62
76 Rachel's Rad Team 62
76 The Best of What's Around 62
76 The City 514 62
76 You Got Mossed! 62
82 A Team 61
82 Happy Cows 61
82 Jim Brown's Ghost 61
85 Gucci Cleats 60
85 Randy Marsh 60
85 The Tortured Players Department 60
88 Big Johnson's Big Team 59
88 Greendale Human Beings 59
88 I H8 Fantasy Football 59
88 Louisville G.O.A.T. 59
88 Nothing Special 59
88 Sherrifs 59
88 There's No Crying in Football 59
95 Curious George Pickens 58
95 Ear bandages 58
95 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 58
95 Pat Tricks My Homies 58
99 Chiefs Kingdom 57
99 Chris's Awesome Team 57
99 FireCrackers 57
99 I could have written in Will Levis but... 57
99 Reigning Cats and Dogs 57
99 Sheakies 57
99 Team Confused 57
106 Actuarial Soundness 56
106 BB Wayz 56
106 FG Bombers 56
106 MeisMagic77!! 56
110 Mrs. Doubtfire 55
110 Retirement Plan 55
112 Montana Grizzlies 54
113 Holy Minshew! 53
113 The A Team 53
116 fryed 52
117 CeeDee3PO 51
118 The Football Team 50
119 Just Joshin' 49
119 Notestine 49
119 The C-Team 49
122 Amon Drugs 48
122 Cook's Cowboys 48
122 Password is Taco 48
122 Tua Turndaballova 48
126 Go Pack GO!! 47
126 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 47
126 Tiffin 47
129 DawgPound 46
129 Is this the Krusty Krab? 46
129 Sunday Snackers 46
129 The Young and the Russ-less 46
134 Blue Horse Shoes 45
134 Boomerang Betty 45
136 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 44
136 Men in Tights 44
138 901 Collier 43
138 High Deductibles 43
140 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 42
140 How I Metcalf Your Mother 42
142 Babe's Faves 38
142 BK Monitor 38
142 Titans Bombers 38
145 Hoosier 36
145 Witten it be nice! 36
145 Young Gunners 36
148 D2 Blitzers 35
148 No Punt Intended 35
150 Silence of the Lamb 34
151 Cooper Troopers 26
Week 6 RankTeamWeek 6 Points
1 Love Island 124
2 Men in Tights 115
2 Stoploss Never Sleeps 115
4 MAGA2024 112
4 The City 514 112
6 Louisville G.O.A.T. 109
7 Babe's Faves 108
8 Happy Cows 107
9 D2 Blitzers 106
10 Big Johnson's Big Team 105
11 MeisMagic77!! 104
12 Back to Back? 103
13 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 99
13 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 99
15 Reject 98
16 Holy Minshew! 96
16 Weiners 96
18 Cook's Cowboys 95
19 The Tortured Players Department 94
20 Brett's Bewildered Bets 92
20 HunkerinDawgs 92
20 neverKC 92
20 The Edison Lightbulbs 92
24 The Young and the Russ-less 91
25 Catlovers Unite 90
25 CIAngus 90
25 Eagle One 90
25 Randy Marsh 90
25 There's No Crying in Football 90
30 Lost Wages Raiders 89
31 I H8 Fantasy Football 87
31 Swimmers 87
31 Veracity Varmits 87
34 Atta Boy! 86
35 A Team 85
35 Ascend PBM 85
37 CeeDee3PO 84
37 Hoosier 84
37 Packfan 84
37 Perry's Picks 84
37 Rachel's Rad Team 84
42 Just Joshin' 83
43 The Three Stooges 82
43 Turks40 82
45 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 81
45 Greendale Human Beings 81
47 DBRKM_6 80
48 Montana Grizzlies 79
48 Scatback Ballers 79
48 The Best of What's Around 79
51 Let Them Eat Steak 78
51 London Calling 78
51 Love is All I Need 78
51 Maas 78
55 Pat Tricks My Homies 77
56 Amon Drugs 76
56 Hunny Pot 76
56 No Punt Intended 76
56 Tua Turndaballova 76
56 You Got Mossed! 76
61 Curious George Pickens 74
62 Notestine 73
62 Sunday Snackers 73
64 Mrs. Doubtfire 72
64 Penelope's Pack 72
66 Nothing Special 71
67 fryed 70
68 Jim Brown's Ghost 69
68 JoeFlaccoFan23 69
68 Just the Stats Man 69
68 The Carnivores 69
68 Trophy Wives 69
74 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 68
75 Dawgs9 67
76 FG Bombers 66
76 Fishy Picks 66
76 Gold Rush 66
76 LaPorta Potty 66
80 Lights, Kamara, Action 65
80 Mile High Mavericks 65
80 The TPA Titans 65
83 Chris's Awesome Team 64
83 Team 5280 CBD 64
83 Witten it be nice! 64
86 19th Hole 63
86 Bear USCeee 63
86 How I Metcalf Your Mother 63
89 Bryce is Right! 62
89 Saylor 1 62
89 The Rooks 62
89 Titans Bombers 62
93 Cooper Troopers 61
93 Run Left 61
95 Team PJ 60
95 The Football Team 60
97 Acrisure BH 59
97 BB Wayz 59
97 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 59
97 Retirement Plan 59
97 Silence of the Lamb 59
102 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 58
102 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 58
102 Team Taylor Not Swift 58
102 Young Gunners 58
106 901 Collier 57
106 Blue Horse Shoes 57
106 CC22 Loves GB10 57
106 GDAWG's Pics 57
106 I'm Tired of Losing 57
106 Is this the Krusty Krab? 57
106 South Central Yard Dawgs 57
106 Team Confused 57
106 The C-Team 57
115 I could have written in Will Levis but... 55
116 FireCrackers 54
116 Gucci Cleats 54
116 Sheakies 54
116 Tiffin 54
121 4th and Long 53
122 Game of Endzones 51
122 Run CMC 51
122 Stealthy Blitz Queen 51
125 BK Monitor 50
126 Bring Out Your Dead 48
127 Boomerang Betty 47
127 CB #1 47
127 Cool Cats 47
127 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 47
131 Carolina In My Mind 44
131 Lord Have Mersa 44
133 Drop the Micah Parsons 43
133 Ear bandages 43
133 High Deductibles 43
136 Chiefs Kingdom 41
136 There can be only one 41
138 Erin Maurer 39
139 San Fransokyo 38
140 Caudill Team 37
141 Actuarial Soundness 36
141 Oakland Beach Raiders 36
141 Reigning Cats and Dogs 36
144 The A Team 35
145 The Lamarsenal 34
146 Sherrifs 33
147 Password is Taco 32
148 I'd Rather Be Golfing 31
149 Drop & Give Me Purdy 29
150 Go Pack GO!! 26
151 DawgPound 14
Week 7 RankTeamWeek 7 Points
1 Louisville G.O.A.T. 133
2 Love Island 114
3 MAGA2024 108
4 There's No Crying in Football 101
5 DBRKM_6 97
6 I H8 Fantasy Football 93
7 The TPA Titans 89
7 Trophy Wives 89
9 Catlovers Unite 88
10 Ascend PBM 87
10 Stoploss Never Sleeps 87
12 LaPorta Potty 86
13 Holy Minshew! 84
13 JoeFlaccoFan23 84
15 HunkerinDawgs 83
16 Curious George Pickens 82
17 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 80
17 Run CMC 80
19 Babe's Faves 79
19 Turks40 79
21 Atta Boy! 78
21 Happy Cows 78
21 Lord Have Mersa 78
21 Maas 78
21 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 78
26 Brett's Bewildered Bets 77
26 Veracity Varmits 77
28 Pat Tricks My Homies 76
28 The Tortured Players Department 76
30 Sunday Snackers 75
31 Packfan 74
31 Team Taylor Not Swift 74
31 Weiners 74
34 Mile High Mavericks 73
34 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 73
36 Big Johnson's Big Team 72
36 Love is All I Need 72
36 Swimmers 72
39 London Calling 71
39 No Punt Intended 71
39 Penelope's Pack 71
39 The Football Team 71
39 The Lamarsenal 71
44 Gold Rush 70
44 Witten it be nice! 70
46 D2 Blitzers 69
46 Drop & Give Me Purdy 69
46 Hoosier 69
46 How I Metcalf Your Mother 69
46 Men in Tights 69
46 The Three Stooges 69
52 Back to Back? 68
52 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 68
52 Team PJ 68
55 I'd Rather Be Golfing 67
55 Rachel's Rad Team 67
55 Randy Marsh 67
58 4th and Long 66
58 Amon Drugs 66
58 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 66
58 Let Them Eat Steak 66
62 A Team 65
62 Nothing Special 65
62 Run Left 65
65 Montana Grizzlies 64
65 There can be only one 64
67 Bryce is Right! 63
67 Reject 63
67 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 63
70 CeeDee3PO 62
70 Scatback Ballers 62
72 Cook's Cowboys 61
72 fryed 61
72 Greendale Human Beings 61
72 Just Joshin' 61
72 neverKC 61
72 The City 514 61
78 The C-Team 60
79 Dawgs9 59
79 GDAWG's Pics 59
79 I could have written in Will Levis but... 59
82 Hunny Pot 57
82 Sherrifs 57
84 FireCrackers 55
84 Saylor 1 55
86 Lost Wages Raiders 54
86 The Rooks 54
88 Blue Horse Shoes 53
88 CB #1 53
88 Ear bandages 53
88 Erin Maurer 53
88 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 53
88 The Edison Lightbulbs 53
94 Acrisure BH 52
94 Chiefs Kingdom 52
96 Carolina In My Mind 51
96 CC22 Loves GB10 51
96 Just the Stats Man 51
96 Mrs. Doubtfire 51
100 Bear USCeee 50
100 Young Gunners 50
102 CIAngus 49
102 MeisMagic77!! 49
102 Tiffin 49
105 Actuarial Soundness 48
106 19th Hole 47
106 The Best of What's Around 47
108 Bring Out Your Dead 46
108 Gucci Cleats 46
108 Notestine 46
108 The Young and the Russ-less 46
112 Caudill Team 45
113 Oakland Beach Raiders 44
114 Eagle One 43
114 FG Bombers 43
114 Perry's Picks 43
114 Reigning Cats and Dogs 43
114 South Central Yard Dawgs 43
121 901 Collier 42
121 BB Wayz 42
121 Cooper Troopers 42
121 High Deductibles 42
121 Is this the Krusty Krab? 42
121 Team Confused 42
127 The A Team 41
128 BK Monitor 40
128 Boomerang Betty 40
128 Cool Cats 40
131 You Got Mossed! 39
132 Fishy Picks 37
132 I'm Tired of Losing 37
132 The Carnivores 37
135 Game of Endzones 36
135 San Fransokyo 36
137 Tua Turndaballova 35
138 Lights, Kamara, Action 33
138 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 33
140 Chris's Awesome Team 30
140 Silence of the Lamb 30
142 Drop the Micah Parsons 29
142 Password is Taco 29
142 Retirement Plan 29
145 DawgPound 28
146 Stealthy Blitz Queen 27
147 Go Pack GO!! 24
147 Sheakies 24
149 Jim Brown's Ghost 19
149 Team 5280 CBD 19
149 Titans Bombers 19
Week 8 RankTeamWeek 8 Points
1 Team PJ 132
2 Trophy Wives 119
3 London Calling 117
4 San Fransokyo 115
5 Stoploss Never Sleeps 114
6 GDAWG's Pics 113
7 D2 Blitzers 112
8 CeeDee3PO 107
8 fryed 107
8 Lights, Kamara, Action 107
11 Let Them Eat Steak 106
11 Password is Taco 106
11 Veracity Varmits 106
14 BB Wayz 105
15 Acrisure BH 104
15 Go Pack GO!! 104
17 Cool Cats 101
17 Stealthy Blitz Queen 101
19 Sunday Snackers 99
20 Big Johnson's Big Team 98
20 There can be only one 98
23 19th Hole 97
23 Erin Maurer 97
25 CB #1 96
26 Saylor 1 94
26 The Lamarsenal 94
28 Carolina In My Mind 93
28 Happy Cows 93
28 The Young and the Russ-less 93
28 Weiners 93
32 The Best of What's Around 92
32 The Rooks 92
32 Turks40 92
35 Just Joshin' 91
36 Cook's Cowboys 90
36 Maas 90
36 Perry's Picks 90
39 Babe's Faves 89
39 Reject 89
39 Reigning Cats and Dogs 89
39 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 89
39 The Carnivores 89
44 Caudill Team 88
44 Chiefs Kingdom 88
44 High Deductibles 88
44 MeisMagic77!! 88
44 Scatback Ballers 88
44 The Tortured Players Department 88
50 Bring Out Your Dead 87
50 Greendale Human Beings 87
50 Love Island 87
50 Randy Marsh 87
50 Swimmers 87
55 Atta Boy! 86
55 Curious George Pickens 86
55 Gold Rush 86
55 Is this the Krusty Krab? 86
59 Chris's Awesome Team 85
59 Ear bandages 85
59 neverKC 85
59 South Central Yard Dawgs 85
63 Catlovers Unite 84
63 Silence of the Lamb 84
65 Louisville G.O.A.T. 83
66 Amon Drugs 82
66 I'd Rather Be Golfing 82
68 Actuarial Soundness 81
68 BK Monitor 81
68 Bryce is Right! 81
68 MAGA2024 81
72 I'm Tired of Losing 80
72 Mrs. Doubtfire 80
72 Rachel's Rad Team 80
72 The Football Team 80
76 FG Bombers 79
76 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 79
76 Retirement Plan 79
76 Young Gunners 79
80 How I Metcalf Your Mother 78
81 Sheakies 77
81 The Edison Lightbulbs 77
83 901 Collier 76
83 Ascend PBM 76
83 CIAngus 76
83 Gucci Cleats 76
83 I could have written in Will Levis but... 76
83 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 76
89 Drop the Micah Parsons 75
89 Montana Grizzlies 75
89 Pat Tricks My Homies 75
92 Boomerang Betty 74
92 Run CMC 74
92 Run Left 74
95 A Team 73
96 4th and Long 72
96 Brett's Bewildered Bets 72
96 CC22 Loves GB10 72
96 The City 514 72
100 DBRKM_6 70
100 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 70
102 LaPorta Potty 69
102 Packfan 69
102 The A Team 69
105 Lost Wages Raiders 68
105 Notestine 68
107 Just the Stats Man 67
108 No Punt Intended 66
109 Lord Have Mersa 65
109 There's No Crying in Football 65
111 Eagle One 64
111 Hoosier 64
111 I H8 Fantasy Football 64
111 Men in Tights 64
115 Cooper Troopers 63
115 Nothing Special 63
118 DawgPound 62
118 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 62
118 Team Taylor Not Swift 62
121 Drop & Give Me Purdy 61
122 Back to Back? 60
122 FireCrackers 60
122 Fishy Picks 60
122 Game of Endzones 60
126 The TPA Titans 59
127 Hunny Pot 58
127 Jim Brown's Ghost 58
129 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 57
129 Tiffin 57
131 Titans Bombers 56
132 Dawgs9 55
132 Team Confused 55
134 JoeFlaccoFan23 54
135 Penelope's Pack 53
136 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 52
136 Witten it be nice! 52
138 Bear USCeee 51
138 Team 5280 CBD 51
140 Mile High Mavericks 49
141 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 47
141 Love is All I Need 47
143 Sherrifs 46
144 HunkerinDawgs 42
145 Blue Horse Shoes 41
145 Holy Minshew! 41
147 The C-Team 40
148 Tua Turndaballova 39
149 Oakland Beach Raiders 36
150 The Three Stooges 33
151 You Got Mossed! 29
Week 9 RankTeamWeek 9 Points
1 The City 514 115
2 DBRKM_6 108
3 Acrisure BH 105
4 Scatback Ballers 101
5 Notestine 100
6 Chris's Awesome Team 99
7 Babe's Faves 98
7 Cool Cats 98
9 South Central Yard Dawgs 97
10 Catlovers Unite 96
11 The Edison Lightbulbs 95
12 Dawgs9 94
13 The Football Team 92
14 JoeFlaccoFan23 91
14 Turks40 91
16 Louisville G.O.A.T. 90
17 Bryce is Right! 88
17 Perry's Picks 88
19 Happy Cows 87
19 Witten it be nice! 87
21 Bring Out Your Dead 86
21 Curious George Pickens 86
23 A Team 85
23 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 85
23 The TPA Titans 85
26 Cook's Cowboys 84
26 HunkerinDawgs 84
26 I'd Rather Be Golfing 84
26 Saylor 1 84
30 Swimmers 83
31 Big Johnson's Big Team 82
31 London Calling 82
33 Ear bandages 81
33 Men in Tights 81
33 Oakland Beach Raiders 81
33 Randy Marsh 81
37 Bear USCeee 80
37 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 80
37 I could have written in Will Levis but... 80
37 The Lamarsenal 80
41 CIAngus 79
41 Lights, Kamara, Action 79
41 Run CMC 79
44 19th Hole 78
44 Just the Stats Man 78
44 Montana Grizzlies 78
47 Maas 77
47 Run Left 77
49 Actuarial Soundness 75
49 Brett's Bewildered Bets 75
49 FG Bombers 75
49 Lord Have Mersa 75
49 MAGA2024 75
49 Sherrifs 75
55 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 74
55 The Young and the Russ-less 74
57 Amon Drugs 73
57 Erin Maurer 73
57 Team 5280 CBD 73
57 The A Team 73
61 Carolina In My Mind 72
61 Greendale Human Beings 72
61 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 72
61 There's No Crying in Football 72
61 Trophy Wives 72
66 LaPorta Potty 71
66 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 71
66 Titans Bombers 71
69 Mrs. Doubtfire 70
70 How I Metcalf Your Mother 69
70 Just Joshin' 69
70 The Best of What's Around 69
73 901 Collier 68
73 Ascend PBM 68
73 BB Wayz 68
73 Boomerang Betty 68
73 Cooper Troopers 68
73 Drop & Give Me Purdy 68
73 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 68
73 No Punt Intended 68
73 San Fransokyo 68
83 CC22 Loves GB10 67
83 I'm Tired of Losing 67
83 Let Them Eat Steak 67
86 Caudill Team 66
86 Eagle One 66
88 Go Pack GO!! 65
88 Love Island 65
88 neverKC 65
91 Atta Boy! 64
91 BK Monitor 64
91 Chiefs Kingdom 64
91 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 64
91 Silence of the Lamb 64
96 Fishy Picks 63
96 Reigning Cats and Dogs 63
96 Team PJ 63
99 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 62
99 fryed 62
99 Game of Endzones 62
99 The Rooks 62
103 Blue Horse Shoes 61
104 MeisMagic77!! 60
104 Nothing Special 60
104 Team Taylor Not Swift 60
104 There can be only one 60
108 4th and Long 59
108 Back to Back? 59
108 CB #1 59
108 Reject 59
108 High Deductibles 59
108 Password is Taco 59
114 Is this the Krusty Krab? 58
114 Stoploss Never Sleeps 58
116 GDAWG's Pics 57
116 Penelope's Pack 57
116 Veracity Varmits 57
119 I H8 Fantasy Football 56
119 Mile High Mavericks 56
119 The Tortured Players Department 56
122 DawgPound 55
123 Team Confused 54
123 You Got Mossed! 54
125 FireCrackers 53
125 Sunday Snackers 53
127 Sheakies 52
128 CeeDee3PO 51
128 D2 Blitzers 51
128 Pat Tricks My Homies 51
131 Gold Rush 50
131 Stealthy Blitz Queen 50
133 Rachel's Rad Team 49
133 The Three Stooges 49
135 Tiffin 48
135 Young Gunners 48
137 Holy Minshew! 47
137 Lost Wages Raiders 47
140 Retirement Plan 46
140 Weiners 46
142 Packfan 45
143 Hunny Pot 44
144 Drop the Micah Parsons 41
145 Gucci Cleats 40
145 Tua Turndaballova 40
147 The C-Team 39
148 Love is All I Need 36
149 Jim Brown's Ghost 35
150 The Carnivores 31
151 Hoosier 25
Week 10 RankTeamWeek 10 Points
1 Ascend PBM 122
2 No Punt Intended 112
3 High Deductibles 111
4 Let Them Eat Steak 109
5 Curious George Pickens 104
6 Happy Cows 103
7 Babe's Faves 102
7 D2 Blitzers 102
7 Game of Endzones 102
10 The Rooks 99
11 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 95
11 Run CMC 95
13 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 94
14 Swimmers 93
15 CB #1 92
16 The Lamarsenal 91
17 Randy Marsh 85
17 Team PJ 85
19 London Calling 83
20 Brett's Bewildered Bets 81
20 Lord Have Mersa 81
22 Maas 79
23 Drop & Give Me Purdy 77
23 Louisville G.O.A.T. 77
25 neverKC 76
26 JoeFlaccoFan23 75
26 Stoploss Never Sleeps 75
28 Chris's Awesome Team 74
28 Pat Tricks My Homies 74
28 Reigning Cats and Dogs 74
28 Team Taylor Not Swift 74
28 The Young and the Russ-less 74
28 Tua Turndaballova 74
34 Blue Horse Shoes 73
35 Boomerang Betty 71
35 Penelope's Pack 71
35 The Tortured Players Department 71
38 I H8 Fantasy Football 70
38 Sherrifs 70
40 Big Johnson's Big Team 69
40 South Central Yard Dawgs 69
42 fryed 67
42 I'd Rather Be Golfing 67
42 Retirement Plan 67
42 There's No Crying in Football 67
46 CIAngus 66
46 LaPorta Potty 66
46 Turks40 66
49 Lost Wages Raiders 65
50 Sunday Snackers 64
51 BB Wayz 63
51 Love Island 63
53 Bryce is Right! 62
53 Ear bandages 62
53 Saylor 1 62
53 Sheakies 62
53 Silence of the Lamb 62
58 Greendale Human Beings 61
58 MAGA2024 61
58 Oakland Beach Raiders 61
61 Back to Back? 60
61 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 60
63 CeeDee3PO 59
63 Dawgs9 59
63 Packfan 59
63 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 59
63 There can be only one 59
63 Trophy Wives 59
63 Veracity Varmits 59
70 19th Hole 58
70 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 58
70 Team Confused 58
70 The TPA Titans 58
74 DBRKM_6 57
74 Mile High Mavericks 57
76 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 55
76 Scatback Ballers 55
76 Young Gunners 55
79 Cooper Troopers 54
79 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 54
81 A Team 53
81 CC22 Loves GB10 53
81 Notestine 53
84 4th and Long 52
84 GDAWG's Pics 52
84 The Football Team 52
87 Reject 50
87 Gold Rush 50
87 Is this the Krusty Krab? 50
87 Love is All I Need 50
87 Mrs. Doubtfire 50
87 The Best of What's Around 50
93 Cook's Cowboys 49
93 Just Joshin' 49
93 Perry's Picks 49
97 Hoosier 48
97 Hunny Pot 48
97 Men in Tights 48
100 Amon Drugs 47
101 BK Monitor 46
101 The Three Stooges 46
101 Tiffin 46
104 MeisMagic77!! 45
104 Team 5280 CBD 45
106 Bear USCeee 44
106 Chiefs Kingdom 44
108 Caudill Team 43
108 The Carnivores 43
108 Titans Bombers 43
111 Weiners 42
112 901 Collier 41
112 I'm Tired of Losing 41
114 Actuarial Soundness 40
114 Holy Minshew! 40
114 Lights, Kamara, Action 40
117 Erin Maurer 39
117 The City 514 39
119 Cool Cats 38
119 I could have written in Will Levis but... 38
119 The A Team 38
122 Bring Out Your Dead 37
122 Go Pack GO!! 37
122 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 37
122 Rachel's Rad Team 37
126 Atta Boy! 36
127 FG Bombers 35
127 Gucci Cleats 35
130 DawgPound 34
130 San Fransokyo 34
132 Carolina In My Mind 33
133 Fishy Picks 32
133 Password is Taco 32
135 Nothing Special 31
135 Run Left 31
137 The C-Team 30
138 Acrisure BH 28
138 How I Metcalf Your Mother 28
138 Just the Stats Man 28
138 You Got Mossed! 28
142 FireCrackers 27
142 HunkerinDawgs 27
142 Jim Brown's Ghost 27
142 Witten it be nice! 27
146 Catlovers Unite 25
146 Eagle One 25
146 Montana Grizzlies 25
146 The Edison Lightbulbs 25
150 Stealthy Blitz Queen 21
151 Drop the Micah Parsons 19
Week 11 RankTeamWeek 11 Points
1 Babe's Faves 149
2 Brett's Bewildered Bets 120
3 The Young and the Russ-less 114
3 There's No Crying in Football 114
5 Weiners 109
6 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 108
6 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 108
6 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 108
9 Just Joshin' 107
10 Happy Cows 105
11 A Team 103
11 Lost Wages Raiders 103
13 Tua Turndaballova 102
14 LaPorta Potty 101
15 Maas 99
15 Reigning Cats and Dogs 99
17 Back to Back? 98
17 Blue Horse Shoes 98
19 Love Island 97
19 MAGA2024 97
19 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 97
22 The C-Team 96
23 Hoosier 95
24 The City 514 94
25 Bryce is Right! 92
25 Cook's Cowboys 92
25 Rachel's Rad Team 92
28 neverKC 91
28 Sherrifs 91
28 Young Gunners 91
31 HunkerinDawgs 87
31 Louisville G.O.A.T. 87
31 Run CMC 87
34 Actuarial Soundness 86
34 Big Johnson's Big Team 86
34 FireCrackers 86
34 Greendale Human Beings 86
34 Holy Minshew! 86
34 Sunday Snackers 86
34 The A Team 86
41 Is this the Krusty Krab? 85
41 Men in Tights 85
43 No Punt Intended 84
43 The Edison Lightbulbs 84
45 Curious George Pickens 83
46 Chris's Awesome Team 82
46 Mrs. Doubtfire 82
46 Packfan 82
49 Caudill Team 81
49 Montana Grizzlies 81
51 19th Hole 80
52 Amon Drugs 79
52 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 79
52 Team Taylor Not Swift 79
55 Ear bandages 78
55 How I Metcalf Your Mother 78
55 Password is Taco 78
55 There can be only one 78
55 Witten it be nice! 78
60 901 Collier 77
62 Randy Marsh 76
63 FG Bombers 75
63 GDAWG's Pics 75
63 Go Pack GO!! 75
63 JoeFlaccoFan23 75
63 Tiffin 75
68 fryed 74
68 MeisMagic77!! 74
68 The Best of What's Around 74
68 The Football Team 74
68 The TPA Titans 74
73 Hunny Pot 73
73 The Carnivores 73
75 Reject 72
76 High Deductibles 71
76 I H8 Fantasy Football 71
78 CC22 Loves GB10 69
78 CIAngus 69
78 DawgPound 69
78 Dawgs9 69
78 Nothing Special 69
78 Penelope's Pack 69
78 Trophy Wives 69
85 Oakland Beach Raiders 68
85 Titans Bombers 68
87 Ascend PBM 67
87 Let Them Eat Steak 67
87 Team Confused 67
91 CeeDee3PO 66
92 Atta Boy! 65
92 Cooper Troopers 65
92 Gold Rush 65
92 Turks40 65
96 D2 Blitzers 64
97 Bring Out Your Dead 63
97 Drop the Micah Parsons 63
97 Game of Endzones 63
97 Pat Tricks My Homies 63
97 The Three Stooges 63
97 The Tortured Players Department 63
103 Gucci Cleats 62
103 The Rooks 62
105 Run Left 61
105 Scatback Ballers 61
105 Stoploss Never Sleeps 61
108 I could have written in Will Levis but... 60
108 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 60
108 Sheakies 60
108 Team PJ 60
112 Cool Cats 58
112 Notestine 58
112 Saylor 1 58
112 Swimmers 58
116 Bear USCeee 57
116 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 57
116 Mile High Mavericks 57
116 You Got Mossed! 57
120 Perry's Picks 56
121 Love is All I Need 54
122 San Fransokyo 53
123 Boomerang Betty 52
123 Eagle One 52
123 Lord Have Mersa 52
126 BK Monitor 51
126 Chiefs Kingdom 51
126 South Central Yard Dawgs 51
126 Team 5280 CBD 51
126 The Lamarsenal 51
131 DBRKM_6 50
131 Erin Maurer 50
133 Catlovers Unite 48
133 London Calling 48
135 Acrisure BH 47
135 Lights, Kamara, Action 47
137 Jim Brown's Ghost 46
138 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 45
139 CB #1 43
139 Retirement Plan 43
139 Silence of the Lamb 43
142 Just the Stats Man 42
142 Veracity Varmits 42
144 BB Wayz 41
145 Stealthy Blitz Queen 40
146 Drop & Give Me Purdy 39
147 I'd Rather Be Golfing 38
148 4th and Long 35
149 Fishy Picks 29
150 Carolina In My Mind 24
151 I'm Tired of Losing 17
Week 12 RankTeamWeek 12 Points
1 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 140
2 Tiffin 127
3 No Punt Intended 119
4 Mile High Mavericks 115
5 CC22 Loves GB10 114
6 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 112
7 LaPorta Potty 106
8 Reject 104
9 Reigning Cats and Dogs 103
9 South Central Yard Dawgs 103
9 Titans Bombers 103
12 Just Joshin' 102
12 Retirement Plan 102
12 Sherrifs 102
15 Lost Wages Raiders 100
15 The A Team 100
17 Dawgs9 98
17 Happy Cows 98
19 Team 5280 CBD 97
19 The C-Team 97
21 901 Collier 96
21 Chris's Awesome Team 96
21 The Best of What's Around 96
24 Actuarial Soundness 95
24 High Deductibles 95
24 Montana Grizzlies 95
24 Nothing Special 95
24 Run CMC 95
29 MAGA2024 94
29 Tua Turndaballova 94
31 Saylor 1 93
32 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 92
33 Caudill Team 91
33 Silence of the Lamb 91
35 Drop the Micah Parsons 90
36 Sheakies 89
37 Cool Cats 87
37 Witten it be nice! 87
40 Back to Back? 86
40 Blue Horse Shoes 86
40 DBRKM_6 86
40 Perry's Picks 86
44 4th and Long 85
44 Louisville G.O.A.T. 85
46 You Got Mossed! 83
47 The Edison Lightbulbs 82
48 London Calling 81
48 Penelope's Pack 81
50 Atta Boy! 80
51 Cooper Troopers 79
51 Eagle One 79
51 Ear bandages 79
51 I could have written in Will Levis but... 79
51 JoeFlaccoFan23 79
51 Love Island 79
51 Team Taylor Not Swift 79
58 The Three Stooges 77
59 CB #1 76
59 Jim Brown's Ghost 76
61 There can be only one 75
62 BK Monitor 74
62 Holy Minshew! 74
64 Game of Endzones 73
64 The Young and the Russ-less 73
66 Bryce is Right! 72
66 Curious George Pickens 72
66 Gucci Cleats 72
69 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 70
69 Stoploss Never Sleeps 70
71 19th Hole 69
72 BB Wayz 68
72 FG Bombers 68
72 Go Pack GO!! 68
72 Weiners 68
76 HunkerinDawgs 67
76 The TPA Titans 67
78 Boomerang Betty 66
78 Just the Stats Man 66
78 The Football Team 66
81 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 65
81 Team PJ 65
83 Hunny Pot 64
83 Oakland Beach Raiders 64
83 Rachel's Rad Team 64
86 Babe's Faves 63
86 CeeDee3PO 63
86 Chiefs Kingdom 63
89 A Team 62
89 Let Them Eat Steak 62
89 Love is All I Need 62
89 Notestine 62
93 DawgPound 61
93 How I Metcalf Your Mother 61
93 Trophy Wives 61
96 Packfan 60
96 Scatback Ballers 60
98 Mrs. Doubtfire 59
98 Team Confused 59
100 Ascend PBM 57
100 D2 Blitzers 57
100 San Fransokyo 57
104 Big Johnson's Big Team 56
104 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 56
104 The Lamarsenal 56
107 Drop & Give Me Purdy 55
107 Is this the Krusty Krab? 55
107 The Tortured Players Department 55
110 Cook's Cowboys 54
110 Men in Tights 54
112 The City 514 53
113 Stealthy Blitz Queen 52
114 Hoosier 51
114 Maas 51
114 MeisMagic77!! 51
117 Acrisure BH 50
117 Fishy Picks 50
117 fryed 50
117 GDAWG's Pics 50
117 I H8 Fantasy Football 50
117 Swimmers 50
123 Lord Have Mersa 48
124 There's No Crying in Football 47
125 Brett's Bewildered Bets 46
125 I'm Tired of Losing 46
127 Gold Rush 45
128 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 44
128 Randy Marsh 44
128 Sunday Snackers 44
131 Bear USCeee 41
132 FireCrackers 39
132 Password is Taco 39
132 Turks40 39
132 Young Gunners 39
136 Carolina In My Mind 38
136 Erin Maurer 38
136 The Carnivores 38
136 Veracity Varmits 38
140 Bring Out Your Dead 37
141 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 35
142 Greendale Human Beings 34
143 Catlovers Unite 32
143 CIAngus 32
143 Pat Tricks My Homies 32
146 The Rooks 27
147 Amon Drugs 25
148 I'd Rather Be Golfing 17
149 Lights, Kamara, Action 16
150 neverKC 15
151 Run Left 14
Week 13 RankTeamWeek 13 Points
1 Reject 111
2 Dawgs9 106
3 CC22 Loves GB10 105
4 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 102
5 Tua Turndaballova 101
5 Turks40 101
8 Team PJ 97
8 The City 514 97
8 There's No Crying in Football 97
11 Louisville G.O.A.T. 95
12 Bear USCeee 94
12 Ear bandages 94
12 Sherrifs 94
15 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 93
16 Brett's Bewildered Bets 92
17 Silence of the Lamb 91
17 Tiffin 91
19 Chris's Awesome Team 89
20 Ascend PBM 88
20 Big Johnson's Big Team 88
20 Notestine 88
23 Oakland Beach Raiders 87
23 Pat Tricks My Homies 87
25 MeisMagic77!! 85
25 Men in Tights 85
25 Mile High Mavericks 85
25 Nothing Special 85
25 The Tortured Players Department 85
30 19th Hole 84
30 Back to Back? 84
32 LaPorta Potty 83
32 Retirement Plan 83
34 FG Bombers 82
34 HunkerinDawgs 82
34 Montana Grizzlies 82
34 Trophy Wives 82
38 A Team 81
38 Mrs. Doubtfire 81
38 No Punt Intended 81
38 There can be only one 81
38 Titans Bombers 81
43 How I Metcalf Your Mother 80
43 The Football Team 80
45 Happy Cows 79
45 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 79
47 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 77
47 High Deductibles 77
49 D2 Blitzers 76
49 The Edison Lightbulbs 76
49 The Young and the Russ-less 76
53 BB Wayz 75
53 Curious George Pickens 75
53 Just Joshin' 75
53 Packfan 75
53 Perry's Picks 75
58 Blue Horse Shoes 74
58 Run CMC 74
58 South Central Yard Dawgs 74
61 Holy Minshew! 73
61 I H8 Fantasy Football 73
61 Maas 73
61 Randy Marsh 73
65 Erin Maurer 72
65 You Got Mossed! 72
67 Babe's Faves 71
68 Cool Cats 70
68 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 70
68 Jim Brown's Ghost 70
71 The C-Team 69
71 Witten it be nice! 69
73 DBRKM_6 68
73 Game of Endzones 68
73 I'd Rather Be Golfing 68
73 Just the Stats Man 68
73 Team 5280 CBD 68
73 The Carnivores 68
79 Actuarial Soundness 67
79 Hunny Pot 67
79 Lost Wages Raiders 67
82 Love Island 66
82 Password is Taco 66
84 CIAngus 65
84 Drop the Micah Parsons 65
86 Love is All I Need 64
86 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 64
88 Caudill Team 63
88 Cooper Troopers 63
88 Eagle One 63
91 Go Pack GO!! 62
91 JoeFlaccoFan23 62
91 Let Them Eat Steak 62
91 MAGA2024 62
91 Rachel's Rad Team 62
96 FireCrackers 61
96 Sheakies 61
96 Team Taylor Not Swift 61
96 The A Team 61
100 CB #1 60
100 Hoosier 60
100 Reigning Cats and Dogs 60
100 Swimmers 60
100 The Best of What's Around 60
105 The Three Stooges 58
106 4th and Long 57
107 The Rooks 56
107 Veracity Varmits 56
109 Bring Out Your Dead 55
109 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 55
109 Lord Have Mersa 55
109 Run Left 55
113 901 Collier 54
113 Cook's Cowboys 54
113 DawgPound 54
113 Is this the Krusty Krab? 54
113 Stoploss Never Sleeps 54
113 Team Confused 54
119 CeeDee3PO 53
119 neverKC 53
121 Penelope's Pack 52
122 BK Monitor 51
122 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 51
124 Atta Boy! 50
124 Saylor 1 50
126 GDAWG's Pics 49
126 Stealthy Blitz Queen 49
128 Drop & Give Me Purdy 47
128 Gucci Cleats 47
130 Gold Rush 46
131 Chiefs Kingdom 44
131 Lights, Kamara, Action 44
131 The TPA Titans 44
134 London Calling 43
135 Amon Drugs 42
135 Bryce is Right! 42
135 Carolina In My Mind 42
138 Catlovers Unite 41
138 fryed 41
138 San Fransokyo 41
138 Weiners 41
142 I could have written in Will Levis but... 40
143 The Lamarsenal 39
144 Boomerang Betty 38
144 I'm Tired of Losing 38
146 Acrisure BH 36
146 Fishy Picks 36
148 Young Gunners 35
149 Scatback Ballers 34
150 Sunday Snackers 33
151 Greendale Human Beings 29
Week 14 RankTeamWeek 14 Points
1 Reject 151
2 Brett's Bewildered Bets 133
2 FG Bombers 133
4 Team PJ 128
5 CeeDee3PO 126
6 Montana Grizzlies 123
7 The Football Team 122
8 The Young and the Russ-less 121
9 Big Johnson's Big Team 120
9 Happy Cows 120
11 Randy Marsh 119
12 Sherrifs 118
13 Chris's Awesome Team 115
13 The Tortured Players Department 115
15 Maas 114
15 The Edison Lightbulbs 114
15 Turks40 114
18 Let Them Eat Steak 112
18 Veracity Varmits 112
20 The Rooks 111
20 There's No Crying in Football 111
22 BB Wayz 110
22 Lost Wages Raiders 110
22 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 110
22 Men in Tights 110
26 Ascend PBM 107
26 Pat Tricks My Homies 107
28 I H8 Fantasy Football 105
29 Babe's Faves 104
30 Nothing Special 103
30 Stoploss Never Sleeps 103
33 Run CMC 102
34 Blue Horse Shoes 101
34 HunkerinDawgs 101
34 Notestine 101
37 Dawgs9 100
38 A Team 98
38 Ear bandages 98
38 Just the Stats Man 98
41 Bear USCeee 97
41 Lights, Kamara, Action 97
41 Packfan 97
44 High Deductibles 96
44 MeisMagic77!! 96
44 There can be only one 96
47 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 94
47 The City 514 94
49 How I Metcalf Your Mother 93
49 Run Left 93
52 Silence of the Lamb 91
53 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 90
54 Tua Turndaballova 87
55 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 86
56 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 84
56 Weiners 84
58 Bring Out Your Dead 82
59 CB #1 81
60 Caudill Team 80
60 The A Team 80
60 The Carnivores 80
63 Rachel's Rad Team 79
63 Young Gunners 79
65 901 Collier 78
65 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 78
65 Curious George Pickens 78
65 Go Pack GO!! 78
65 No Punt Intended 78
65 Oakland Beach Raiders 78
71 Is this the Krusty Krab? 76
72 BK Monitor 73
72 Gold Rush 73
74 Drop the Micah Parsons 72
75 Actuarial Soundness 71
75 Carolina In My Mind 71
75 Drop & Give Me Purdy 71
75 LaPorta Potty 71
79 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 70
79 GDAWG's Pics 70
81 I'd Rather Be Golfing 69
81 MAGA2024 69
81 Titans Bombers 69
84 Penelope's Pack 68
85 CC22 Loves GB10 67
85 Greendale Human Beings 67
85 Mrs. Doubtfire 67
85 Perry's Picks 67
85 Tiffin 67
90 London Calling 66
90 Sheakies 66
92 Cook's Cowboys 65
92 Cooper Troopers 65
92 DBRKM_6 65
92 fryed 65
92 Reigning Cats and Dogs 65
97 D2 Blitzers 64
97 JoeFlaccoFan23 64
97 neverKC 64
97 The Best of What's Around 64
101 The Lamarsenal 63
102 The C-Team 62
103 Lord Have Mersa 61
104 Gucci Cleats 60
104 Mile High Mavericks 60
104 Team Confused 60
107 19th Hole 59
107 Bryce is Right! 59
107 Catlovers Unite 59
110 San Fransokyo 58
110 Swimmers 58
112 CIAngus 57
112 Just Joshin' 57
112 Password is Taco 57
112 Team 5280 CBD 57
116 Atta Boy! 56
116 DawgPound 56
118 FireCrackers 55
118 Game of Endzones 55
120 Hoosier 54
120 Team Taylor Not Swift 54
122 Witten it be nice! 53
123 I'm Tired of Losing 52
123 South Central Yard Dawgs 52
125 Cool Cats 51
126 Stealthy Blitz Queen 50
126 Trophy Wives 50
128 Scatback Ballers 49
129 Eagle One 48
129 Love Island 48
131 Chiefs Kingdom 47
131 Sunday Snackers 47
133 Retirement Plan 46
134 Jim Brown's Ghost 45
135 Back to Back? 44
135 I could have written in Will Levis but... 44
135 Love is All I Need 44
135 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 44
139 Erin Maurer 42
139 You Got Mossed! 42
141 Boomerang Betty 39
142 Amon Drugs 38
143 4th and Long 37
144 Holy Minshew! 36
144 The Three Stooges 36
146 Hunny Pot 35
147 Louisville G.O.A.T. 28
147 Saylor 1 28
149 Acrisure BH 23
150 Fishy Picks 22
151 The TPA Titans 19
Week 15 RankTeamWeek 15 Points
1 Notestine 154
2 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 150
3 Back to Back? 146
4 DBRKM_6 144
5 The Young and the Russ-less 136
6 Maas 135
7 Brett's Bewildered Bets 134
8 MeisMagic77!! 133
8 The Carnivores 133
10 Happy Cows 131
11 Reject 130
12 Pat Tricks My Homies 128
13 The Tortured Players Department 127
13 Turks40 127
15 There's No Crying in Football 126
16 Big Johnson's Big Team 125
17 Erin Maurer 124
17 The City 514 124
19 Love Island 123
20 Nothing Special 121
20 The Best of What's Around 121
22 I'd Rather Be Golfing 119
22 Team PJ 119
24 Cook's Cowboys 117
24 Randy Marsh 117
24 Silence of the Lamb 117
27 Hunny Pot 116
27 Men in Tights 116
29 Lost Wages Raiders 115
30 Babe's Faves 113
30 CC22 Loves GB10 113
30 Louisville G.O.A.T. 113
33 Just Joshin' 112
33 Lord Have Mersa 112
36 19th Hole 109
36 Cool Cats 109
38 Ascend PBM 108
38 Love is All I Need 108
40 Veracity Varmits 107
41 Mrs. Doubtfire 106
42 Just the Stats Man 104
42 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 104
44 BB Wayz 100
44 Trophy Wives 100
46 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 99
47 A Team 98
47 Chris's Awesome Team 98
47 Curious George Pickens 98
47 High Deductibles 98
47 MAGA2024 98
52 The Rooks 97
53 Amon Drugs 94
53 CB #1 94
53 Drop & Give Me Purdy 94
53 Hoosier 94
53 Mile High Mavericks 94
53 Oakland Beach Raiders 94
59 Bear USCeee 93
60 D2 Blitzers 92
60 Dawgs9 92
62 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 90
62 LaPorta Potty 90
64 Gold Rush 89
64 South Central Yard Dawgs 89
64 Tua Turndaballova 89
67 Bryce is Right! 88
67 I'm Tired of Losing 88
67 neverKC 88
70 FG Bombers 87
70 Is this the Krusty Krab? 87
70 London Calling 87
70 Sherrifs 87
74 No Punt Intended 86
74 Perry's Picks 86
76 Cooper Troopers 85
77 CeeDee3PO 84
77 Eagle One 84
79 GDAWG's Pics 83
80 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 82
81 Let Them Eat Steak 81
81 Sunday Snackers 81
81 The Lamarsenal 81
84 How I Metcalf Your Mother 80
84 Montana Grizzlies 80
84 Rachel's Rad Team 80
87 Reigning Cats and Dogs 79
88 Drop the Micah Parsons 78
89 FireCrackers 77
90 fryed 76
91 4th and Long 75
91 Bring Out Your Dead 75
91 Chiefs Kingdom 75
94 Catlovers Unite 74
94 Retirement Plan 74
94 The C-Team 74
94 The Three Stooges 74
94 Witten it be nice! 74
99 JoeFlaccoFan23 73
101 Tiffin 72
102 Swimmers 71
103 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 70
104 Ear bandages 69
105 BK Monitor 68
105 Lights, Kamara, Action 68
105 Password is Taco 68
105 Run CMC 68
105 Team Taylor Not Swift 68
105 There can be only one 68
111 Caudill Team 67
111 Packfan 67
111 Sheakies 67
114 I H8 Fantasy Football 66
114 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 66
116 The TPA Titans 65
117 San Fransokyo 63
117 The Edison Lightbulbs 63
119 Stealthy Blitz Queen 61
120 CIAngus 60
120 Greendale Human Beings 60
120 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 60
120 Team 5280 CBD 60
124 901 Collier 59
124 Game of Endzones 59
124 Gucci Cleats 59
127 Blue Horse Shoes 58
127 Boomerang Betty 58
127 HunkerinDawgs 58
130 Run Left 56
130 Scatback Ballers 56
130 You Got Mossed! 56
133 The Football Team 55
134 Young Gunners 54
135 Penelope's Pack 52
136 Carolina In My Mind 50
136 Holy Minshew! 50
138 Fishy Picks 49
138 Team Confused 49
138 The A Team 49
141 Stoploss Never Sleeps 48
142 Atta Boy! 46
142 I could have written in Will Levis but... 46
144 Titans Bombers 44
144 Weiners 44
146 Acrisure BH 43
147 Saylor 1 42
148 Go Pack GO!! 39
149 Actuarial Soundness 38
150 Jim Brown's Ghost 29
151 DawgPound 21
Week 16 RankTeamWeek 16 Points
1 Just Joshin' 137
2 Mrs. Doubtfire 133
3 The Young and the Russ-less 130
4 Lost Wages Raiders 128
5 Back to Back? 125
5 Louisville G.O.A.T. 125
7 Stoploss Never Sleeps 123
8 Team PJ 119
9 Pat Tricks My Homies 114
10 Dawgs9 113
10 The City 514 113
12 19th Hole 112
12 A Team 112
12 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 112
15 Cook's Cowboys 110
15 Happy Cows 110
17 Reject 109
18 Is this the Krusty Krab? 108
19 JoeFlaccoFan23 107
19 Lord Have Mersa 107
21 Sherrifs 105
22 Chris's Awesome Team 104
22 DBRKM_6 104
24 Love Island 102
24 Perry's Picks 102
27 Bryce is Right! 101
27 MAGA2024 101
29 CC22 Loves GB10 100
29 No Punt Intended 100
29 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 100
32 Babe's Faves 99
32 Brett's Bewildered Bets 99
32 Sunday Snackers 99
32 The Tortured Players Department 99
36 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 98
37 Blue Horse Shoes 97
38 Drop & Give Me Purdy 96
38 Men in Tights 96
38 Sheakies 96
41 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 95
41 Maas 95
41 neverKC 95
44 Cooper Troopers 94
44 I'd Rather Be Golfing 94
44 LaPorta Potty 94
44 The Best of What's Around 94
48 Run CMC 93
49 fryed 92
50 Ascend PBM 91
50 Curious George Pickens 91
52 Gold Rush 90
53 Big Johnson's Big Team 89
53 Notestine 89
53 Oakland Beach Raiders 89
53 The Football Team 89
53 There's No Crying in Football 89
58 Randy Marsh 88
58 Tua Turndaballova 88
60 Mile High Mavericks 87
60 Young Gunners 87
62 D2 Blitzers 86
62 The Lamarsenal 86
64 Boomerang Betty 85
64 Silence of the Lamb 85
66 Hoosier 84
67 4th and Long 83
67 Ear bandages 83
67 Greendale Human Beings 83
67 Team 5280 CBD 83
67 The Carnivores 83
72 Cool Cats 82
72 London Calling 82
72 Scatback Ballers 82
72 South Central Yard Dawgs 82
76 Erin Maurer 81
76 GDAWG's Pics 81
76 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 81
76 Titans Bombers 81
80 Amon Drugs 80
80 Go Pack GO!! 80
80 Hunny Pot 80
80 Penelope's Pack 80
84 Love is All I Need 79
85 Caudill Team 78
85 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 78
85 High Deductibles 78
85 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 78
85 The A Team 78
85 Witten it be nice! 78
91 Game of Endzones 77
91 MeisMagic77!! 77
91 Saylor 1 77
94 BB Wayz 76
94 CeeDee3PO 76
94 I could have written in Will Levis but... 76
94 The C-Team 76
98 CB #1 75
98 Retirement Plan 75
98 Swimmers 75
101 I H8 Fantasy Football 73
101 Let Them Eat Steak 73
103 Nothing Special 72
103 Team Confused 72
105 Trophy Wives 71
106 Montana Grizzlies 70
107 Just the Stats Man 69
107 Rachel's Rad Team 69
109 Fishy Picks 67
109 The Three Stooges 67
111 FireCrackers 66
111 Reigning Cats and Dogs 66
111 The Edison Lightbulbs 66
111 Tiffin 66
111 You Got Mossed! 66
116 Acrisure BH 65
116 I'm Tired of Losing 65
118 Bring Out Your Dead 64
118 Eagle One 64
118 Holy Minshew! 64
118 Turks40 64
118 Weiners 64
123 Actuarial Soundness 63
123 Packfan 63
123 The TPA Titans 63
126 901 Collier 62
126 Jim Brown's Ghost 62
126 Veracity Varmits 62
129 Team Taylor Not Swift 61
131 BK Monitor 59
131 Drop the Micah Parsons 59
133 Chiefs Kingdom 58
134 CIAngus 56
134 San Fransokyo 56
136 Gucci Cleats 55
137 Bear USCeee 54
138 Atta Boy! 53
139 The Rooks 52
140 FG Bombers 51
141 HunkerinDawgs 50
141 Password is Taco 50
143 Lights, Kamara, Action 49
144 How I Metcalf Your Mother 48
145 Stealthy Blitz Queen 47
146 Catlovers Unite 43
146 DawgPound 43
148 There can be only one 38
149 Carolina In My Mind 37
150 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 30
151 Run Left 17
Week 17 RankTeamWeek 17 Points
1 Bryce is Right! 143
2 Sunday Snackers 139
3 Brett's Bewildered Bets 134
4 neverKC 126
5 Louisville G.O.A.T. 125
6 Just Joshin' 122
7 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 119
8 Greendale Human Beings 118
9 Ascend PBM 116
10 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 114
11 Randy Marsh 113
12 The Lamarsenal 112
13 Trophy Wives 111
14 A Team 106
14 The Carnivores 106
14 Turks40 106
17 Maas 105
17 The Tortured Players Department 105
19 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 104
19 Stoploss Never Sleeps 104
21 Back to Back? 103
21 Dawgs9 103
23 There's No Crying in Football 102
24 Happy Cows 101
24 Love Island 101
24 Mrs. Doubtfire 101
27 Is this the Krusty Krab? 99
27 Pat Tricks My Homies 99
29 19th Hole 98
29 901 Collier 98
29 Babe's Faves 98
29 MAGA2024 98
33 Boomerang Betty 97
33 Young Gunners 97
35 JoeFlaccoFan23 95
36 Let Them Eat Steak 94
36 The City 514 94
38 Just the Stats Man 93
38 Lost Wages Raiders 93
40 Scatback Ballers 90
40 Veracity Varmits 90
42 Caudill Team 89
42 Cook's Cowboys 89
42 Cooper Troopers 89
45 CC22 Loves GB10 88
45 Erin Maurer 88
45 Men in Tights 88
45 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 88
45 Team PJ 88
50 Blue Horse Shoes 87
50 FireCrackers 87
50 Lord Have Mersa 87
53 Chiefs Kingdom 86
53 Hoosier 86
53 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 86
53 I could have written in Will Levis but... 86
53 I'd Rather Be Golfing 86
53 Rachel's Rad Team 86
59 fryed 85
59 The Young and the Russ-less 85
61 GDAWG's Pics 84
61 Reigning Cats and Dogs 84
61 Swimmers 84
64 CeeDee3PO 83
65 Actuarial Soundness 82
65 Penelope's Pack 82
67 Gold Rush 81
67 Weiners 81
69 Amon Drugs 79
69 Mile High Mavericks 79
69 Sheakies 79
72 The TPA Titans 78
73 Packfan 77
73 The Best of What's Around 77
73 The Football Team 77
76 Big Johnson's Big Team 75
77 Nothing Special 74
77 The A Team 74
79 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 73
79 Notestine 73
79 Saylor 1 73
79 Team Confused 73
83 Acrisure BH 72
83 Atta Boy! 72
83 Ear bandages 72
83 Team Taylor Not Swift 72
87 The Three Stooges 70
88 D2 Blitzers 69
88 HunkerinDawgs 69
90 Drop & Give Me Purdy 68
90 LaPorta Potty 68
92 DBRKM_6 67
92 I H8 Fantasy Football 67
92 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 67
92 The Rooks 67
97 Chris's Awesome Team 66
97 Hunny Pot 66
99 4th and Long 65
99 CB #1 65
101 Game of Endzones 64
102 I'm Tired of Losing 63
102 Perry's Picks 63
104 BB Wayz 60
104 Carolina In My Mind 60
104 CIAngus 60
104 Oakland Beach Raiders 60
104 Tua Turndaballova 60
109 No Punt Intended 59
109 Sherrifs 59
109 Silence of the Lamb 59
112 Lights, Kamara, Action 58
112 MeisMagic77!! 58
114 Catlovers Unite 57
114 Curious George Pickens 57
114 Reject 57
114 How I Metcalf Your Mother 57
114 Montana Grizzlies 57
114 Tiffin 57
120 Love is All I Need 56
120 Run CMC 56
122 Run Left 55
122 Witten it be nice! 55
124 Bear USCeee 54
125 Bring Out Your Dead 53
125 Password is Taco 53
127 Cool Cats 52
127 San Fransokyo 52
129 Holy Minshew! 51
131 Titans Bombers 49
132 Go Pack GO!! 48
132 The Edison Lightbulbs 48
134 London Calling 47
135 DawgPound 46
135 Eagle One 46
137 There can be only one 44
138 Fishy Picks 43
139 Gucci Cleats 41
140 FG Bombers 40
141 You Got Mossed! 39
142 High Deductibles 37
143 South Central Yard Dawgs 36
144 The C-Team 33
145 Drop the Micah Parsons 32
146 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 29
147 Team 5280 CBD 23
148 Jim Brown's Ghost 22
149 Retirement Plan 18
150 Stealthy Blitz Queen 12
151 BK Monitor 11
Week 18 RankTeamWeek 18 Points
1 Trophy Wives 90
2 Cook's Cowboys 89
2 Lord Have Mersa 89
2 The City 514 89
5 BB Wayz 82
5 Sheakies 82
7 Stoploss Never Sleeps 79
7 The Football Team 79
9 Curious George Pickens 78
10 Mrs. Doubtfire 76
11 Maas 75
12 D2 Blitzers 74
12 Tua Turndaballova 74
14 JoeFlaccoFan23 73
14 South Central Yard Dawgs 73
14 The Best of What's Around 73
17 Boomerang Betty 71
17 DJUgonnabesellinginsurance 71
17 Is this the Krusty Krab? 71
20 Team PJ 70
21 I'm Tired of Losing 69
22 I am serious... and don't call me Shirley 68
23 Bryce is Right! 67
23 DBRKM_6 67
23 Team 5280 CBD 67
23 The Carnivores 67
23 The Tortured Players Department 67
28 Titans Bombers 65
29 fryed 64
29 Packfan 64
29 Pat Tricks My Homies 64
32 Sunday Snackers 63
33 Turks40 62
34 Scatback Ballers 60
34 The Lamarsenal 60
36 Chris's Awesome Team 59
36 The A Team 59
36 The Young and the Russ-less 59
39 Babe's Faves 58
39 Drop & Give Me Purdy 58
39 Retirement Plan 58
42 Happy Cows 57
42 Just the Stats Man 57
42 Let Them Eat Steak 57
42 McCaffrey Loves Lamb Chops 57
42 Randy Marsh 57
47 A Team 56
47 CB #1 56
47 Cool Cats 56
47 Men in Tights 56
47 Stealthy Blitz Queen 56
52 Acrisure BH 55
52 Go Pack GO!! 55
52 There's No Crying in Football 55
55 Ascend PBM 54
55 High Deductibles 54
55 Love is All I Need 54
58 CC22 Loves GB10 53
58 Hawk Tua Tagovailoa 53
58 I could have written in Will Levis but... 53
58 Just Joshin' 53
58 LaPorta Potty 53
63 Back to Back? 52
63 Brett's Bewildered Bets 52
63 Hoosier 52
63 MAGA2024 52
67 CIAngus 51
68 Actuarial Soundness 50
68 Dawgs9 50
68 FG Bombers 50
68 Game of Endzones 50
68 GDAWG's Pics 50
68 Louisville G.O.A.T. 50
68 The TPA Titans 50
75 Erin Maurer 49
76 Bear USCeee 47
76 Bring Out Your Dead 47
76 Burrow's Pocket Gophers 47
76 Catlovers Unite 47
76 CeeDee3PO 47
76 Swimmers 47
82 Greendale Human Beings 46
82 ScottyDoesn'tKnowFantasyFootball 46
84 Love Island 45
84 MeisMagic77!! 45
84 Mile High Mavericks 45
87 Saylor 1 44
87 Silence of the Lamb 44
89 Cooper Troopers 43
89 Ear bandages 43
89 Montana Grizzlies 43
89 There can be only one 43
89 Witten it be nice! 43
94 Weiners 42
95 19th Hole 41
95 Perry's Picks 41
97 Big Johnson's Big Team 40
97 Hunny Pot 40
97 Oakland Beach Raiders 40
97 Veracity Varmits 40
101 Blue Horse Shoes 39
101 HunkerinDawgs 39
101 I H8 Fantasy Football 39
101 London Calling 39
101 neverKC 39
101 Run CMC 39
101 Stop Loss Hurts So Good 39
101 The Edison Lightbulbs 39
101 The Three Stooges 39
110 Fishy Picks 38
110 Lost Wages Raiders 38
110 You Got Mossed! 38
113 Eagle One 37
113 No Punt Intended 37
113 Notestine 37
113 Reigning Cats and Dogs 37
117 Reject 36
117 Nothing Special 36
117 Password is Taco 36
120 The Rooks 35
121 Atta Boy! 34
121 Drop the Micah Parsons 34
123 Holy Minshew! 33
123 Sherrifs 33
125 BK Monitor 31
125 Chiefs Kingdom 31
127 4th and Long 30
127 Tiffin 30
129 Jim Brown's Ghost 29
129 Team Taylor Not Swift 29
131 Gucci Cleats 28
131 I'd Rather Be Golfing 28
131 Penelope's Pack 28
134 San Fransokyo 26
137 Caudill Team 24
138 How I Metcalf Your Mother 23
138 Rachel's Rad Team 23
138 Young Gunners 23
141 901 Collier 22
142 Amon Drugs 21
143 Gold Rush 20
143 Lights, Kamara, Action 20
143 The C-Team 20
146 Run Left 17
146 Team Confused 17
148 Mr. Darcy's Hand Flex 13
149 Carolina In My Mind 12
150 FireCrackers 11
151 DawgPound 6
Back to top